Saturday, May 8, 2010


had a funny things was happened between a girls around 18 years old and her mum with today i when to gurney with my mum. after 3 hours for shopping, my leg started became tired. so when my mum was trying her shoes in parkson, i doent leave the chance. i faster sat on the chairs that are ready for people who want to try the shoes.
i sat on the chairs with a profesional pose because of my dress was too short and the chairs was too low.suddenly, someone was touching my face, of course i was get shocked about it. u know who was touching face??? that is a customer which was shopping over there and they think that i am a model. then i started laugh with a loudly sound and i asked for them. what the matter that they was felt that i am a model??? do you know what is the answer??? the answer is: i doent saw u was moving or walking around here. and i saw u was sitting w a odel pose and i think that u are the clothes model. kns. can anyonw tell me that i must laugh on it or cry on it? laugh because they think that i am model? cry because they think that i look like a cartoon model not a human??