Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Finally, school reopen.

The last day of school holiday, I spend my day with my mummy. We went to gurney for a window shop and have a set lunch at Salsa restaurant. It's tasty and I love the dessert. ;) Well. Time flies so fast. My holiday is gone and now I am stepping into a year which I will be very stress and rush. Form five, I know it's not easy but I know I can. Look at the Facebook's status, some of the graduated student said they miss their secondary school life more than working. Some of the form five girls said they want to enjoy the last year with the classmates. Some of the students said they hate school, school reopen and they shouted NONONONONONO!!! But for me, I just know that in this year, I want to study hard and cherish the days which I get to spend with my classmates. Although I don't know what's the reason I am shaking now, but I think it's because of excited and nervous. ;D School, I am back. ;)