Saturday, February 4, 2012

Kek lok si

The last few day of Chinese new year. I went to kek lok si with family in this last school holiday before the monthly test. Adui. U know it's very stress one right?! On the way to kek lok si is super duper jam. U cannot imagine that I took almost one and half hour to reach kek lok si. It's shooooo tired wey. But When I reached there, I felt that it's worth cause it's shoo beautiful. Seriously. Colorful lights are everywhere and wishes trees are everywhere also. I made a wish and I hope dreams come true. ;D I took a few photos at there but it seems like only a few pictures are nice because of light problems. =.= below are the picture: *point below* after that, went to somewhere to chill with friends. One day is gone with a lil things happened. Phew! So fast.