Saturday, June 25, 2011

I bought my new Iphone4 and I got a Incredible family. *woots*

My dad just bought a a new white Iphone4. *hee* Thanks dad, Love u much <3 Accidentally, I realize that actually I got a Incredible family. Hahahaha. My dad is the Mr.Incredible. He is the one who always work harder to let us have a good life. :) and he is successful. A successful businessman. I respect u from my heart deeply. :) My mother, Mrs.Incredible. She is the one who always take care us. She do everything just because of us. She gains us her whole life. Maybe sometimes she is annoying, but she is still the good mother. :) My brother, Incredible boy. The one who always protect me and act as a good listener to me. He will help me all the time no matter what happen. He is brave and intelligent. He did a lot of things while I do not dare to do so. I respect him sometimes. Haha. Milline, Incredible girl. The girlfriend of Incredible boy. She is a good listener also. We always hang out for window shop and both of us like to drink chatime. Hahaha. She is beautiful and slim actually but sometime the Incredible boy will called her pui pui. Lol. N me, Incredible GL kia. I must admit that I am really GL enough. But thats my style. Who's care. My friends love it. So I do it. I like this name and please call me GL kia next time when u meet me. :) So, my Incredible family is awesome right? Want to join? No! Do not have extra space for u readers. Hahah. Buhbye. <3