Sunday, June 5, 2011

Its over.

Finally, the drama competition is over. Haihs. Yesterday, although we dint get a good trophy, but we did a good job. :) When we heard that the audience said we are good, the drama is touching, we felt that this is more happy than bring a trophy back. :) Yeah! We are not same with the other school. We dint have a trainer, money, place and time. The school authorities don't want to give us anything. So, we just can try to help ourself to show the audience that although we did not have anything, but we are still the best. Haihs. Recall back those day we stay together in Permata training room, that are really appreciated memories. We ate the "salty biscuit", we enjoyed ourself, we cried together and we did a lot of thing. Everyday went out at 9am and went back at 9pm. Thats really wonderful. Now, I don't know what to do at home. I wake up and I just can sit on the chair and face to the computer. :( I miss it. Really. I really miss it. :) Haihs. We will try to do the best on the next year. Next year is our last time, we know that we won't let ourself regret. :)